Have you worked hard to reach the top, only to find that it isn’t as advertised?

Rediscover the meaning and inspiration in your life by embracing your inner wildness and reconnecting with your authentic desires.


The Wild Path Custom Coaching Experience

Your journey will include the following:



Revisit your life's journey with new eyes.

  • Retell and honor the stories that helped shape who you are
  • Embrace your whole being, even the shadow parts.
  • Identify what's kept you stuck where you are.


Get outside your comfort zone, do things that scare you.

  • Reconnect with your wildest, most authentic desires.
  • Rekindle forgotten dreams and desires.
  • Play. Create. Rest.


Challenge your assumptions about what is possible.

  • Take stock of your unique gifts, skills, and experience.
  • Evaluate how you reallocate your resources (time, money, energy, space.) 


Integrate your desires with your unique gifts, skills and experiences.

  • Set goals based on your authentic desires. 
  • Hear and heed the wisdom of your inner voice.
  • Pursue your authentic desires with integrity.


While your coaching journey will include:

Rediscovery, Exploration, Evaluation and Integration

You are a unique, multifaceted creature, and so every coaching session and homework assignment will be designed to match what resonates with you.

How you go about it will depend on you!
Everyone’s journey is different.

Which path will you take?

Scientific Path

If you’re a self-proclaimed data nerd, your experience might lean toward relevant articles or podcasts, learning nervous system regulation techniques, and creating new thought and behavior patterns with boundary setting and habit formation.

We might explore the newest neuroscience research and use that information to help regulate your nervous system.

Spirit-Led Path

If you’re into the esoteric and mysterious, your experience might call on plant and animal allies, “prescriptions” for tea blends and manifestation exercises, and learning to harness your energies.

We might explore your Human Design and begin our sessions with drawing an oracle card. The sky's the limit with how creative you would like to be.

Custom Coaching:

During Sessions you’ll explore, experiment, and rekindle the excitement that feeds your soul.

Throughout our time together, I provide you with coaching that is specifically tailored to your unique needs. My approach draws on wisdom from indigenous traditions, the magic of nature, traditional healing methods, and the science behind psychology, habit formation, mindset mastery, boundary setting, self-discipline, and personal growth.

Regardless of your preferred approach, The Wild Path coaching experience will transform your personal and professional life.




The Wild Path is not just another coaching program.

In this exclusive, highly immersive coaching experience, you’ll rediscover who you are, what lights you up, and what you can uniquely contribute to the world.

You’ll learn to walk your own Wild Path.

Following your own Wild Path—guided by your authentic desires—gives your life new energy and purpose. And when you learn to weave your unique gifts, skills and experiences together in pursuit of that desire, you’ll become lighter, rejuvenated, inspired… and unstoppable.

Wild Path Custom Coaching

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

-Mary Oliver

Wild Path Custom Coaching is for professional women who want to give the middle finger to hustle culture by rejecting busy-ness as a status symbol. On the Wild Path, you'll learn how to create sustainable work-life balance by protecting your most valuable resources: time and energy. Find deep contentment in your personal life and meaning in your professional life--without sacrificing what you've worked so hard to build.


The Custom Coaching Experience

Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:



Every custom coaching experience gets you:

  • 3 months of bi-weekly virtual 1:1 sessions to fit your schedule, when you need support the most
  • Unlimited email support with a 24 hour response time, delivered how you learn and receive information best (e.g., email response, video response, or voice memo)

  • Homework assignments designed to systematically break down psychological barriers and logistical limitations

  • Session recordings and transcripts

  • Data collection, analysis, and resource alignment

  • Unlimited support from me, as well as access to my extensive network of other healers and resources



Every custom coaching experience gets you:

  • 3 months of bi-weekly virtual 1:1 sessions to fit your schedule, when you need support the most
  • Unlimited email support with a 24 hour response time, delivered how you learn and receive information best (e.g., email response, video response, or voice memo)

  • Homework assignments designed to systematically break down psychological barriers and logistical limitations

  •  Session recordings and transcripts

  • Data collection, analysis, and resource alignment

  • Unlimited support from me, as well as access to my extensive network of other healers and resources